CDM latest

As far as we can determine, from talking to our contacts, it looks as though CDM2014 will actually be CDM2015. The HSE is still committed to consolation, so this would be the earliest date the regulations could realistically be introduced.

As the UK needs to incorporate domestic client duties into the regulations, to comply with EU directives, the proposal is are to create a default position where duties which fall on domestic clients, will fall to the 1st appointee – either contractor or designer.

It would appear that the role of CDMC will disappear – with duties and obligations being placed on a ‘Principal Designer’ (working title at this stage). Duties will be clarified in a simplified ACoP and full CDM duties (i.e. notification duties) will apply on sites where there is more than 1 contractor (both domestic and non-domestic).

The latter change (notification of sites where there is more than 1 contractor) seems to us to be aimed at tackling the current safety culture disparity between large construction sites and smaller domestic projects.

We’ll have to see what the ACoP contains, which should be out for consultation later this year. More details, when we know more – so check back soon.

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